你眉薄? 我微博~


CafePress Order Arrived
वहत थे हेल इस थिस?!

वहत थे हेल थिस इस थिस?! सिंस व्हें ई स्पाक हिंदु?
कोउल्ड सोमोने चंगे तेह द्व्द रेमोते?


yikes..... apparently someone switched to the Hindu channel.

Anyway. The sample has arrived. The moment I opened the parcel,
I exclaimed:

Two Trucka Hats, two Hoodies, one Tee, one Journal.
All of them looked great except the following two items.

The printing on the journal cover.

Close up on the Trucka Hat.
The black ink looks kinda like warm grey instead.
I wonder if they use CMYK for the direct print or not.

I guess this is the only time that I would say "RGB is bad for printing" (笑)



"nothing's here to look at, go away."

This is my version of "minimalism", stay tuned.
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