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你要唔要我嬰兒 by 人類聯盟

"最好就改番佢 唔係就相當 sorry~"


"Business Time"

1. Just jealous and facsinated by writers of all kinds: Blogs, columnist, blogs, blogs....
Wonders what really keep them going.

2. "If I can come up with that idea, other would have done it already."
This is so far the biggest enlightenment I have in the past 10 years.
I should say, I see that coming, but took me 10 years to realizing it.
What do you think about Death/Ashes Diamond?

3. Feelin' Lo-Mo.
Lo-Mo (Low Motivation) has been an issue for quite a while.
Just don't want to do anything at all.

4. Uniqlo UT Grand Prix - http://ut.uniqlo.com/utgp/
Join yet? I did.

5. Flight of the Conchords is so folk-up!
Hilariously good music.

I liked the concert version more.

TV version isn't too bad though.

Damn, someone has removed the full version of the concert...
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